Saturday 1 September 2012

`I dont care`

This is a pic of Liam when he was about 6 years old. He began getting major attitude then, and when he was told off about something, his reply was `I dont care` and he had this look on his face. LOL
It went on for quite a few months, when he thought of a new reply which was just as annoying and rude. Boys!!!
Anyway had to scrap that memory and that look.
Im desperately trying to get his latest album finished. I try to do an album for every 5 years, but in this one, there are far more memorable pics to scrap than before. These little people cram so much in their lives, its hard to keep up with the documentation.
The next page on the list is his first lost tooth!!! That happened when he was 6 too!
Good job theres hols coming up, I might be able to concentrate a bit more on Owen, but dont hold your breath.

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